Latest News

  • Prime Minister’s Youth Council Backgrounder
    The Government of Canada is committed to listening to the issues that matter most to young people. That is why the Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, in his role as Minister of Youth, committed in Budget 2016 to create a Prime Minister’s Youth Council. Canadians, aged 16 to 24, will provide the Prime Minister with non-partisan advice on national issues such as employment, access to education, building stronger communities as well as climate change and clean growth, among others.
    Ottawa, Ontario - 19 July 2016
  • Operation UNIFIER: Canadian Armed Forces support to Canada’s effort in Ukraine
    Operation UNIFIER is Canada’s contribution to support Ukrainian forces through capacity building, in coordination with the United States and other countries providing similar training assistance.
    Lviv, Ukraine - 12 July 2016
  • Canada renews its security support and development assistance to Afghanistan
    On July 9, 2016, the Government of Canada announced a comprehensive package of $465 million in security and development support to Afghanistan.
    Warsaw, Poland - 9 July 2016
  • Economic Prosperity – Trade and Competitiveness
    Today, the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, the President of the United States, Barack Obama, and the President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, discussed ways to advance trade and competitiveness, because an efficient North American economy is vital for creating good-paying, middle class jobs for our citizens.
    Ottawa, Ontario - 29 June 2016
  • Regional and Global Issues
    Canadians, Americans, and Mexicans share the same continent and the same values. We face many of the same challenges, and we are all better off when we tackle these issues together.
    Ottawa, Ontario - 29 June 2016
  • Security and Defence
    As threats to our safety become increasingly complex, it is more important than ever for Canada, the United States, and Mexico to work in close cooperation to protect our citizens.
    Ottawa, Ontario - 29 June 2016
  • Border Facilitation
    An efficient and competitive North American economy is vital for the prosperity of Canadians, Americans, and Mexicans across the continent.
    Ottawa, Ontario - 29 June 2016
  • Strengthening cultural and social ties between Canada and Mexico
    During their bilateral meeting, Prime Minister Trudeau and President Peña Nieto made a strong commitment to further strengthen the cultural ties that form such an important part of the Canadian-Mexican relationship.
    Ottawa, Ontario - 28 June 2016
  • Environmental cooperation between Canada and Mexico
    The governments of Canada and Mexico agree that an efficient and competitive North American economy is vital to creating jobs, strengthening the middle class, and ensuring sustainable economic growth.
    Ottawa, Ontario - 28 June 2016
  • Economic prosperity between Canada and Mexico
    The Government of Canada has made it a top priority to re-establish and strengthen our relationship with one of our most important partners, Mexico. Both countries understand how important it is to have a productive and respectful relationship – one that allows for greater trade, stronger growth, and more clean job creation.
    Ottawa, Ontario - 28 June 2016