
Canada's Innovation Agenda

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Canada: A Nation of Innovators

Canada's Innovation Agenda

We’re committed to making Canada a global innovation leader—
and we want to hear from you!

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Our creativity and resourcefulness define us. Innovation is a Canadian value. It's in our nature, and now more than ever, it will create jobs, drive growth and improve the lives of all Canadians. It's how we make our living, compete and provide solutions to the world.

We have the talent, the drive, the dedication and the opportunity to succeed. So, what's next?

Six areas for action. One way forward.


We and the innovation leaders want to hear ideas from you
on how to take action in six areas.

To foster a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, build skills to embrace global changes, leverage Canada's diversity and attract top global talent. To do so, we're asking for your ideas:

How can Canada become the best country in attracting and developing talent?

How do we work together to equip youth with the right skills for the future economy?

What more can be done to cement Canada's place as a leader in social entrepreneurship?

To support world-class research excellence from fundamental to applied science. To do so, we've launched a review of federal support for fundamental science. And now, we're asking for your ideas:

How can colleges play a larger role in the innovation ecosystem?

How can we increase demand for science, technology, engineering and math graduates?

How do we make best use of our science and research strengths?

To build super clusters for business innovation and global reach, from idea generation to value creation. To do so, we're asking for your ideas:

What is the right model for made-in-Canada innovation clusters led by businesses?

What are the barriers to Canadian participation in global supply chains?

How can businesses, institutions and governments attract talent and investment?

To develop start-ups and scale innovative, high-impact small, medium and large firms, growing the next generation of job-creating global companies. To do so, we're asking for your ideas:

How can Canada support the scale-up of innovative companies?

Which market-based approaches encourage adoption of clean technologies?

What more can be done to increase business enterprise R&D (BERD) spending?

To harness the digital economy across sectors to encourage digital adoption and strengthen competitiveness. To do so, we're asking for your ideas:

What do we need from our digital infrastructure? How fast can we transition?

What are innovative ways to develop stronger digital skills among Canadians?

To enhance and align agile marketplace regulations and standards, and enable market access so Canadian businesses can thrive globally. To do so, we're asking for your ideas:

How can regulations be designed to promote innovation across key sectors?

What new approaches could be explored to improve government services to businesses?


Our commitment: Openness and transparency

  • We will make clear what Canadians have told us.
  • We will listen to ideas and reflect on what we've heard.
  • We will set clear objectives.

Our commitment: Deliver, measure and grow

  • We will take bold, new measures.
  • We will measure progress against our objectives.
  • We will adapt as required to grow our economy and see Canada take its place as a world leader in innovation.

What you're saying

Celebrate Canada's innovations

Share your story to help Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation build an interactive storybook of innovation, as part of Innovation150, for Canada's 150th year celebration.