Winners of the 2015 Grace-Pépin Access to Information Award

Gatineau, January 19, 2016 – The Information Commissioner today announced the winners of the 2015 Grace-Pépin Access to Information Award. This year’s recipients are Ken Rubin, and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC).

“We received a number of very strong nominations this year, all of whom are deserving of recognition,” said Commissioner Legault. “Canada’s access community is vibrant and strong, and this strength is reflected in the work of both of this year’s recipients.”

Ken Rubin is a longstanding advocate for openness and transparency in government. Over the past several decades, his work in access to information has brought to light numerous issues of significance to Canadians.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission recently released its final report on the tragedy of indigenous residential schools in Canada. The TRC’s persistence and determination to access historical data and document the stories of survivors has laid the groundwork for a frank and open discussion about a sad chapter in the nation’s history.

The 2015 Selection Committee was comprised of commissioners, academics and journalists, including:

  • Brian Beamish (Information and Privacy Commissioner, Ontario)
  • Catherine Tully (Information and Privacy Commissioner, Nova Scotia)
  • Charlene Paquin (Manitoba Ombudsman)
  • Lise Millette (Présidente, Fédération Professionnelle des Journalistes du Québec)
  • Teresa Scassa (Canada Research Chair in Information Law, University of Ottawa)

The award trophies will be presented to the recipients in early 2016 and further details will be announced shortly. The Grace-Pépin Award was named in recognition of the contributions of John Grace, former Information Commissioner of Canada, and Marcel Pépin, President and founder of the Commission d’accès à l’information du Québec.


For media inquiries please contact:
Natalie Hall
Manager, Communications and Media Relations
Office of the Information Commissioner
Tel.: 819-994-1068