Funding programs for jobs, training, and social development projects

From Employment and Social Development Canada portfolio

Funding programs from Employment and Social Development Canada are government grants and contributions that help support jobs, training, and social development.

Government grants and contributions

Grants are unconditional transfer payments that the Government provides to individuals or organizations for activities that meet eligibility criteria set by the funding program.

Contributions are similar to grants, except that, in order to receive funding and be reimbursed for specific costs, recipients need to meet certain performance conditions. The government can also audit the recipients' use of funding.

Funding program name Open, Closed or Ongoing Topic
Aboriginal Homelessness Closed Aboriginal peoples, Homelessness
Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy Closed Aboriginal, Jobs, Training
Apprenticeship Completion Grant Ongoing Career development and employment
Apprenticeship Incentive Grant Ongoing Career development and employment
Canada Summer Jobs (Youth Employment Strategy) Closed Youth and students
Canada-European Union Program for Cooperation in Higher Education, Training and Youth Closed Youth and students
Career Focus (Youth Employment Strategy) - Local and regional projects Ongoing Youth and students
Career Focus (Youth Employment Strategy) – National Projects Closed Youth and students
Designated Communities (Homelessness) Closed Homelessness
Enabling Accessibility Fund Closed People with disabilities
Enabling Fund for Official Language Minority Communities Closed Communities
Foreign Credential Recognition Program Ongoing Career development and employment
International Academic Mobility Closed Youth and students
International Trade and Labour, Labour Funding Program Closed Career development and employment
Interprovincial Labour Mobility Initiative Ongoing Career development and employment
Labour Market Agreements Closed Career development and employment
Labour Market Agreements for Persons with Disabilities Closed Career development and employment
Labour Market Development Agreements Closed Career development and employment
Literacy and Essential Skills Closed Career development and employment
National Homelessness Information System Closed Homelessness
New Horizons for Seniors Program Open Seniors
North American Mobility in Higher Education Closed Youth and students
Occupational Health and Safety and Fire Prevention Closed Career development and employment
Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities - National Closed People with disabilities
Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities – Local and regional projects Ongoing People with disabilities
Rural and Remote Homelessness Closed Homelessness
Sectoral Initiatives Program Closed Career development and employment
Skills and Partnership Fund Open Aboriginal peoples
Skills Link (Youth Employment Strategy) - Local and regional projects Open Youth and students
Skills Link (Youth Employment Strategy) – National Projects Closed Youth and students
Social Development Partnership Program, Children and Families Component Closed Child and family
Social Development Partnerships Program, Disability Component Closed People with disabilities
Surplus Federal Real Property for Homelessness Initiative Closed Homelessness
Targeted Initiatives for Older Workers Closed Career development and employment
Workplace Equity Closed Aboriginal peoples, Career development and employment, People with disabilities
Work-Sharing Program Ongoing Career development and employment
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