Funding: Enabling Accessibility Fund

The Enabling Accessibility Fund is a federal Grants and Contributions program that supports capital costs of construction and renovations related to improving physical accessibility and safety for people with disabilities in Canadian communities and workplaces.

From installing screen reader devices, hearing induction loop systems, automated door openers, constructing a universally designed office or retrofitting a washroom with an accessible toilet, grab bars and taps, the Enabling Accessibility Fund works to enable Canadians with disabilities to participate in their community and the economy.

Since its creation in 2007, the program has funded over 2,300 projects across the country and has improved accessibility for thousands of Canadians. For information on past funded projects, you may browse the approved projects list.

The program includes the following two funding streams:

The Workplace Accessibility Stream

The Workplace Accessibility Stream provides funding to eligible recipients for projects that improve accessibility in workplaces across Canada. Projects may include:

  • renovating, retrofitting or constructing workplaces in which job opportunities for people with disabilities could be created or maintained;
  • retrofitting motor vehicles for work use; and
  • providing information and communications technologies for work use.

To be considered eligible for funding, projects must be directly related to maintaining or creating job opportunities for people with disabilities. All projects must also meet the specific eligibility criteria identified in calls for proposals, including support from their community.

The Community Accessibility Stream

The Community Accessibility Stream provides funding to eligible recipients for projects that improve accessibility in communities across Canada. Projects may include:

  • renovating, retrofitting or constructing community facilities where programs and/or services are or will be offered to people with disabilities;
  • retrofitting motor vehicles used as community-based transportation; and,
  • providing information and communications technologies for community use.

To be considered eligible for funding, projects must be directly related to removing barriers and increasing accessibility for people with disabilities in Canadian communities. All projects must also meet the specific eligibility criteria identified in calls for proposals, including support from the community.

Application Information

The Enabling Accessibility Fund is not currently accepting funding applications.

Eligible Recipients

  • Not-for-profit organizations;
  • For profit organizations;
  • Municipalities;
  • Indigenous organizations (including band councils, tribal councils and self-government entities); and,
  • Territorial governments.

Eligibility criteria are further defined during calls for proposals.

Follow-up after you apply

You will receive an acknowledgement within 21 calendar days of submitting your application. Further to this acknowledgment, you will be notified of the status of your application within 90 days of the Call for Proposals' closing date.

Note that not all proposals submitted under calls for proposal are approved. Funding is limited and is subject to budget considerations of the Enabling Accessibility Fund, Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and allocation of funds by Parliament.

It should be noted that decisions are final and there is no appeal process.

Project start date

Recipients must not start their projects until they receive an ESDC approval letter and an agreement has been signed by an ESDC representative.


If you have any questions about the Enabling Accessibility Fund, contact us.