Contracts over $10,000


2015–16 Fiscal Year

2014–15 Fiscal Year

2013–14 Fiscal Year

2012–13 Fiscal Year

2011–12 Fiscal Year

2010–11 Fiscal Year

2009–10 Fiscal Year

2008–09 Fiscal Year

2007–08 Fiscal Year

About Contracts over $10,000

Under the Auditor General Act, the Office of the Auditor general has the authority to contract for professional services. The Office enters into contracts to:

  • procure professional services,
  • other kinds of services, and
  • goods to support the work of the Office.

The majority of the Office’s professional-service contracts directly support its audits, to ensure that the Office uses appropriate expertise to conduct its audit work. Contracts are also awarded to support our professional practice and corporate services.

Due to the confidential nature of our audit work, the Office does not provide descriptions of contracts related to audit work. The Office does, however, provide more detail regarding its contracts that are not related to audit work.

The Office follows its own Policy on Contracting and Procurement, which is consistent with the objective of the Treasury Board Contracting Policy, when procuring professional services relating to audit work. It follows the Treasury Board’s Policy when procuring goods and other services. Its Policy on Contracting and Procurement is also consistent with the Government Contracts Regulations.

The Office does not publish information pertaining to contracts for legal services when disclosure would compromise legal privileges. As well, the Office withholds information regarding memoranda of understanding with other levels of government and foreign governments; service-level agreements between federal government institutions; and information about contracts whose proactive disclosure would compromise criminal investigations, national security or public safety.

Every three months, we report contracts awarded by the Office for the previous three months.

Important Dates:

Effective 1 January 2008, the Office began publishing the total value of contracts (original value of contracts issued after 1 January 2008 plus any amended contract value).

Prior to 1 January 2008, only the original contract value was published unless otherwise indicated.

Effective 1 April 2009, contract values disclosed on this website include all fees, expenses and the Goods and Services Tax (GST). Before April 1, 2009, contract values disclosed on this website did not include the Goods and Services Tax (GST).

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