Proactive Disclosure

Travel and Hospitality Expenses, Contracts and Position Reclassifications Notice

On December 12, 2003, the Prime Minister announced the mandatory publication on departmental Web sites of travel and hospitality expenses for selected government officials; contracts entered into by the Government of Canada for amounts over $10,000 (with only limited exceptions such as national security); and the reclassification of positions.

For national security reasons, the Chief and executive members of the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) are exempted from the mandatory disclosure of their travel and hospitality expenses. The same reasons justify the non-disclosure of contracts entered into by the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) and to reclassification actions of CSE employees.

Public Notification of a Disclosure of Wrongdoing

Issues related to the acquisition, use and management of government assets were raised by a discloser who suspected the occurrence of one or more wrongdoings. Three allegations of wrongdoing were investigated within the context of the acquisition, use and control of Crown assets.

Neither the allegations nor the findings related to national security information or the privacy of Canadians.

The investigation substantiated allegations of misuse of public assets and serious breaches of the CSE Values and Ethics Code.

Recommendations were provided to management of the area involved regarding purchasing practices, asset management, financial controls and accountability, management and supervision as well as client requirements management.

Various measures have been taken with regard to the employees. In addition, the following changes have been implemented:

  • revision of the asset management policy;
  • more rigorous training of staff and managers;
  • updated client requirements and planning/tracking processes; and
  • increased monitoring of financial authorities.