Let’s unite as one team, #35Mstrong !!!

On August 4, 2016, the day before the start of the Rio 2016 Games, we want all Canadians to join together in a nation-wide show of support for our Olympic and Paralympic athletes who will represent all 35 million Canadians at the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

We are asking all Canadians to:

  1. Take a creative picture or video of themselves and their
    family/friends giving a ‘fist bump” – a universal sign of support - to our athletes
  2. Post the pic to Twitter, Facebook and/or Instagram and tag it with #35Mstrong (or #lepaysavecvous en français) hashtag
  3. If a picture isn’t your thing, post a message of support to Twitter and/or Facebook and add a fist bump emoji and the #35Mstrong hashtag
  4. Encourage others to do the same!

With the support of 35 million Canadians from coast to coast to coast, the Government of Canada is the single largest investor in our country’s sport system – and our athletes.  The Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games will be another chapter in our country’s rich sporting history; another chance to celebrate sport’s contribution to our national identity; another opportunity to be inspired by our athletes’ accomplishments.

Olympians and Paralympians are born out of years of commitment – by the athlete, their families, coaches, communities, National Sport Organizations, public sector supporters and private sector sponsors. These are the connections that make an Olympic or Paralympic moment so profound. When our athletes do well, we should all know that we all had a hand in that accomplishment.

Those moments are also replayed in backyards, playgrounds, arenas and other facilities all across this country for many, many years to come. Let’s get behind our athletes and celebrate them and the memories they create for all of us. Let’s unite as one team, #35Mstrong !!!

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