Policies, directives, standards and guidelines

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People management Contains 49 instruments.

Management of a high-performing workforce and a modern, healthy and respectful work environment to achieve business objectives. It includes compensation, organization and classification, labour relations, pensions and benefits, executive management, values and ethics, performance and talent management, and employee recourse.

Government security Contains 12 instruments.

Protection of government programs and services, along with the people, information and assets that support them from threats and compromise.

Access to information and privacy Contains 8 instruments.

Protection of individual's privacy and personal information held by the government. Access to information that is contained in government records.

Assets and acquired services Contains 23 instruments.

Sound stewardship and value for money through life cycle management of assets and acquired services, including investment planning, management of projects, procurement, and real property and materiel management.

Communications and Federal Identity Contains 9 instruments.

Management of communications, federal identity, managing government communications and requirements for advertising, public opinion research, social media and web communications

Financial management Contains 49 instruments.

Financial resources of the Government of Canada are well managed in the delivery of programs to Canadians and safeguarded through balanced controls that enable flexibility and manage risk.

Information management / Information technology Contains 31 instruments.

Management of information, data and web content, publications, technology, and Open Government.

Results, Evaluation, and Internal Audit Contains 3 instruments.

Improving performance and decision making by assessing risks, measuring and evaluating results, and providing management oversight.

Official languages Contains 5 instruments.

Implementation of the Official Languages Act and equality of status of English and French in federal institutions through communications, services, and language of work.

Service delivery and transfer payments Contains 5 instruments.

Management of the design and delivery of efficient, client centric, and high quality external and internal services. Management of transfer payments to recipients which includes monetary payments or transfers of goods, services, or assets; it does not result in acquisition of any goods, services or assets by the government.