Permits, licences and regulations

Information about the permits, licences and regulations that apply to your business.

Services and information

BizPaL permit and licence information

Simplified access to information about federal, provincial, territorial and municipal business permits, licences and other requirements needed to establish, operate and grow your business.

Federally regulated business activities

Business Number registration, federal incorporation, advertising and competition, labelling, measurement accuracy, import and export permits, human resources regulations, privacy and personal information protection, environment, accessibility, health and safety and more.

Federally regulated industry sectors

Regulation of agriculture, forestry and fishing; nuclear, oil and gas and mining; broadcasting and telecommunications; drugs, health and consumer products; textiles, and services.


Learn about Canadian and international standards that can be used in your business.


Do you provide a supporting role between businesses and the government? Access resources for Licensed Insolvency Trustees, patents and trademark agents, federal incorporation intermediaries, customs brokers, financial institutions, grain inspectors, and measurement authorized service providers.

Regulatory change

Stay informed about upcoming regulatory changes. Learn about red tape reduction, reducing internal trade barriers, and consultations on regulatory changes.

What we are doing

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