Selective Aid for Canada-France Coproductions (Mini-treaties)

Canada and France have signed specific agreements to additionally support certain coproduction projects through selective financial assistance.

Who can apply

Canadian production companies in search of additional financing for their film, animation, or television projects that are Canada-France coproductions.

Overview of the program

There are currently three mini-treaties signed between Canada and France:

Certain projects have been given priority under each of the mini-treaties:

  • Film: priority is given to French-language dramatic feature films projects
  • Animation: priority is given to the following projects:
    • Any one cycle of a series
    • Incurring a significant portion of its costs in Canada or France
  • Television: French-language development projects for which a broadcaster from either coproducing country has issued a letter of interest.

For film and animation projects, the Canadian producers must first complete an application form for preliminary recommendation .

For television development projects, an application for financial selective assistance for the development of an original French-language program must be completed.

Overview of eligibility requirements

Eligibility varies between types of projects:

  • Film projects are eligible in the production phase, once a preliminary recommendation (advance ruling) has been obtained
  • Animation projects are eligible in the production phase, once a preliminary recommendation (advance ruling) has been obtained
  • Television projects are eligible in the development phase, so no preliminary recommendation (advance ruling) is required

Please consult the Guidelines below for specific eligibility requirements.

Please note that applications to the Selective Aid for Canada-France Coproductions cannot be submitted online.

Contact persons – all offices

Film and animation (production)

Carmela Sciortino

Toll free : 1-800-567-0890

Television (development)

Antoinette Duré

Toll free : 1-800-567-0890