Science and Research

Understanding the three oceans that surround Canada, as well as Canada's waterways and aquatic resources, is crucial if we want to ensure their sustainability — the challenge that scientists at Fisheries and Oceans Canada face each day.

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Scientists and research centres

Research centres by region

DFO Science operates institutes, laboratories and experimental centres in six operational regions. Refer to the interactive regional map to see DFO's regional boundaries.

Directory of Scientists and Professionals

Search profiles, locations, research interests and accomplishments for scientists and professionals.

Collaboration in Science and Technology

Learn about collaborative opportunities in each region. Download the five-year research agenda.

Careers in science

Careers devoted to promoting the safety, sustainability and survival of our oceans and fresh waters.

Science Awards

Nominate candidates for the Timothy R. Parsons medal or other awards. Download the nomination form.

Our Scientists – From Coast to Coast to Coast

This page showcases our scientists and the important work they do in researching our oceans and aquatic ecosystems, supporting sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, and keeping our waterways accessible and safe.

Scientific publications

Publications and Multimedia

Find scientific reports, videos, articles, podcasts, strategies and plans, annual reports and more.

DFO library catalogue

Perform simple or advanced catalogue searches to access books, journals and government documents.

Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS)

Peer review addresses scientific questions related to fisheries and ocean management in Canada and the conservation of marine and freshwater resources. Use the online tool to access information about upcoming reviews and past advisory processes.

Research and Monitoring Activities

Aquaculture science

Aquatic Ecosystem Science

Research Projects

View projects related to aquaculture, climate change, contaminants, ecosystem science and fisheries.

Aquatic Animal Health

Marine health programs for wild and farmed species, and scientific research on pathogens and parasites.

Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program

Find hydrographic, meteorological and research document data, climate indices and terms of use.

National Contaminants Advisory Group (NCAG)

Funding for external researchers, calls for proposals and examples of funded research projects.

International Deep Sea Exploration Mission

On July 19, a team of Canadian and International scientists set sail from Halifax for a five week exploration of the deep Atlantic ocean.

The International Science Role of Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Science is essential to sound decision-making in fisheries management and oceans governance

What we are doing