Western Economic Diversification Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

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Contact Us

Contact Western Economic Diversification Canada by:

Mailing Address: Suite 1500, 9700 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4H7
Telephone: 780-495-4164
Toll Free: 1-888-338-WEST (9378)
Teletypewriter: (TTY): 1-877-303-3388
Fax: 780-495-4557

You may also contact us at any of our regional offices by telephone, fax, email or write to us directly. If you wish to receive a written reply, please ensure that you provide us with your full email or mailing address.

Alberta | British Columbia | Manitoba | Ottawa | Saskatchewan

General Inquiries

Please use our feedback form to email your comments, questions and information requests, or contact us at any of our offices by telephone, fax, email or mail. If you experience technical problems, please contact us by email at WD.contactus-contactez-nous.DEO@canada.ca.  

Media Inquiries

Please direct all media enquiries to our Media Relations personnel. To keep on top of WD news, subscribe to our RSS News feed or choose to have our news updates sent directly to your email account. View subscription information.

Employee Contact Information

The Government Electronic Directory Service provides a complete listing of all federal public servants across Canada. Contact information for employees of Western Economic Diversification Canada is available — simply follow the organizational structure used in the directory or search for an employee by name.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Frequently Asked Questions provide answers to commonly asked questions and links to online resources. The A - Z Index and Search Page are valuable tools for finding specific information too.

Access to Information and Privacy

All requests for information under the control of any WD office must be sent to the departmental Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator.