Publications and Reports

Research Summary: Economics of Preclearance This report summarizes the international literature on the economic and social impact of preclearance operations. 2016-07-08
A Discussion of the Economics of Preclearance with Proposed Measurement Methodologies This report has three objectives: summarize the international literature on the economic and social impact of preclearance operations; identify additional benefits of preclearance not well covered in the literature; and propose feasible methodologies to quantitatively measure the benefits to Canada of establishing preclearance processes and facilities in various contexts. 2016-07-08
2014 Beyond the Border Implementation Report The Implementation Report highlights major Beyond the Border accomplishments in 2014. 2016-05-31
2013 Beyond the Border Implementation Report The Implementation Report highlights major Beyond the Border accomplishments in 2013. 2016-05-31
2012 Beyond the Border Implementation Report The Implementation Report highlights major Beyond the Border accomplishments in 2012. 2016-05-31
Economic Impact of Border Fees in Three Target Sectors in Canada and the United States of America Under the Beyond the Border Action Plan, Public Safety Canada commissioned a third party to conduct an economic impact assessment of border fees in Canada and the U.S. The border fees analyzed in this study are those included in the published inventories of fees and charges on the movement of goods across border. 2016-04-06
2013-14 Report on the Beyond the Border Action Plan Horizontal Initiative On February 4, 2011, the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of the United States issued Beyond the Border: A Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness 2015-05-19
Plan for the Movement of People and Goods During and Following an Emergency Canada's security and economy is dependent on effective joint border management. The impacts during and following an emergency could be widespread, causing significant and measurable disruptions (for example, border congestion, restrictions or closures) to the normal cross-border movement of people and goods at Canada and United States (US) ports of entry. 2014-10-20
ARCHIVE - Identity-Related Crime: A Threat Assessment This threat assessment focuses on five aspects of the identity-related crime problem as it affects Canada and the United States. 2010-10-01
ARCHIVE - United States-Canada Border Drug Threat Assessment 2007 ARCHIVE - United States-Canada Border Drug Threat Assessment 2007 2010-08-23
ARCHIVE - Public Advisory: Special report on Counterfeit Checks and Money Orders ARCHIVE - Public Advisory: Special report on Counterfeit Checks and Money Orders 2010-08-23
ARCHIVE - United States-Canada Joint Border Threat and Risk Assessment This joint assessment was prepared by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in support of the mandates of each respective agency. 2010-07-01
Framework Agreement on Integrated Cross-Border Maritime Law Enforcement Operations Between The Government of Canada and The Government of the United States of America The purpose of this Agreement is to provide the Parties additional means in shared waterways to prevent, detect, suppress, investigate, and prosecute criminal offences or violations of law including, but not limited to, illicit drug trade, migrant smuggling, trafficking of firearms, the smuggling of counterfeit goods and money, and terrorism. 2009-05-01
ARCHIVE - Public Advisory: Special report on Counterfeit Checks and Money Orders ARCHIVE - Public Advisory: Special report on Counterfeit Checks and Money Orders 2008-03-12
ARCHIVE - Mass Marketing Fraud ARCHIVE - Mass Marketing Fraud 2008-03-01
ARCHIVE - Report on Phishing ARCHIVE - Report on Phishing 2007-10-01
ARCHIVE - Canada / US Organized Crime Threat Assessment ARCHIVE - Canada / US Organized Crime Threat Assessment 2007-09-25
ARCHIVE - Bi-National Assessment of Trafficking in Persons ARCHIVE - Bi-National Assessment of Trafficking in Persons 2007-09-25
ARCHIVE - Combatting Illicit Firearms ARCHIVE - Combatting Illicit Firearms 2007-09-25
ARCHIVE - Identity theft Identity theft refers to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person's identifying information for the purpose of fraud or other criminal activity. 2004-10-01
ARCHIVE - Report on identity theft In 2003, the Canada-United States Cross-Border Crime Forum determined that it would be appropriate to conduct a threat assessment of identity theft and its impact on cross-border criminality. 2004-10-01
ARCHIVE - Phishing: A new form of identity theft The term phishing refers to luring techniques used by identity thieves to fish for personal information in a pond of unsuspecting Internet users. 2004-10-01
ARCHIVE - Canada-United States Border Drug Threat Assessment Canada and the United States are firmly committed to the fight against illicit drugs and their two-way movement across our shared border. The strong relationship between our two governments, and in particular, our respective law enforcement agencies on this issue is a model of international cooperation. 2004-10-01
ARCHIVE - Mass-marketing fraud A Report to the Attorney General of the United States and the Solicitor General of Canada 2003-05-01
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