Associate Deputy Minister of Public Safety Canada

Gina Wilson

Gina Wilson

Gina Wilson began her career in her First Nation community of Kitigan-Zibi as Executive Director of Health and Social Services and as Director of the Wanaki Treatment Centre. Ms. Wilson was a Senior Manager with the Assembly of First Nations (AFN), a national Aboriginal organization representing First Nation communities in Canada when she joined the Federal Government in 1996 and for five years served as Director General, Aboriginal Affairs at Correctional Service Canada. In 2003, Gina became Director General at Human Resources Skills Development Canada, before moving to the Privy Council Office (PCO) in 2005 as Director General of Engagement, where she organized a First Ministers Meeting.

Gina Wilson was appointed in 2006 as Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) with Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada and was a partner in the implementation of a settlement agreement for approximately 80,000 survivors of Indian Residential Schools in Canada. Her office oversaw the co-ordination of events leading to the Prime Minister's historic Apology on June 11, 2008. She then was named Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Regional Operations, at Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) and was responsible for the implementation of operations and programming in seven regions. Gina was also a participant in the Advanced Leadership Program (ALP) in 2009.

Ms. Wilson was Assistant Deputy Minister of Emergency Management and Regional Operations at Public Safety Canada in 2011-2013, where she lead a national emergency management system and strategies to reduce and mitigate disasters in Canada and then was Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Treaties and Aboriginal Government at Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada focused on reconciling Aboriginal and Crown interests through the negotiation and implementation of modern treaties.

Gina was then appointed as Associate Deputy Minister at Employment and Social Development Canada in March, 2014 where she served the Minister of State for Seniors and the Minister of State for Social Development, while tackling departmental efforts to reduce the backlog at the Social Security Tribunal. In addition, Gina lead initiatives such as "Job Bank/Job Match" - a national website to match employers and job seekers and several additional corporate and workplace initiatives.

Gina Wilson was appointed Associate Deputy Minister of Public Safety Canada on July 6, 2015.

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