Regional Development Agencies across Canada

Image of a map: Regional Development Agencies across Canada Image map of Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency Image map of Western Economic Diversification Canada Image map of Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario Image map of Canada Economic Development for Quebec Region Image map of Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario Image map of Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Regional Development Agencies across Canada help to address key economic challenges by providing regionally-tailored programs, services, knowledge and expertise that:

  • Build on regional and local economic assets and strengths;
  • Support business growth, productivity and innovation;
  • Help small- and medium-sized businesses effectively compete in the global marketplace;
  • Provide adjustment assistance in response to economic downturns and crises; and
  • Support communities.

Each Regional Development Agency brings a regional policy perspective in support of the national agenda through: regional economic intelligence to support national decision-making; contributing to federal regional coordination and cooperative relationships with other levels of government, community and research institutions, and other stakeholders; and supporting national priorities in regions such as the Economic Action Plan.

By working collaboratively, the Regional Development Agencies ensure national coordination and maximized efficiencies, representing Canada on territorial development matters, and developing or renewing national programs or services delivered regionally.

To learn more about the Regional Development Agencies in Canada, please visit the websites below: