
RTW Expert Electronic FAF

The RTW Expert App is an interactive application that automatically creates a functional abilities form (FAF) with the latest evidence based inform


Welcome to Gowan Consulting

Gowan Consulting (formally known as Gowan Health Consultants) is a Health and Disability Management Company that will work with your organization and its employees to reduce the cost of disability. Good health and disability management IS good business!

Gowan Consulting is the leading provider of occupational therapy services for stay at work/return to work solutions.  We provide services across Canada in the area of ergonomics, accessibility and return to work accommodation solutions.

The costs of disability go well beyond those reflected in your payroll costs. The costs to the individual, the organization and society must be reduced. If your company faces a typical loss of 8-12% of payroll costs due to employee disability you are losing $300-400,000 per hundred employees each year.
And The Trend Is Continuing…

  • The conference board of Canada reports that 80% of disability costs are related to mental health conditions (Conference Board of Canada 2011)
  • The costs of absenteeism and disability have been increasing at an average rate of 10% annually in Canada. (Conference Board of Canada, 2010)
  • The average days lost per employee per year to illness and injury in Canada in 2007 was 9.2 days (Statistics Canada, 2008)
  • The cost of worklessness is calculated at the same cost as smoking 10 cigarettes a day (Waddel, 2008)
  • The average cost per workplace disability case has risen to $98,000 per claim in 2006. A 40% increase since 2002. (WSIB , 2007)
  • By the year 2020 depression will be the second highest cause of hospitalization and disability. (WHO)
  • Canadian Businesses spend $11 to $33 Billion dollars a year due to mental health issues in the workplace (Ipsos Reid, 2009)
  • Most LTD carriers report that mental health conditions make up 30-50% of all long term disability claims.
  • New and increasingly complex disabilities such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue, fibromyalgia and environmental illnesses are emerging as trends.
  • Accessibility of businesses providing goods and services in Ontario is now a legal requirement (AODA, 2005)
  • Regulatory compliance is growing in cost and complexity.

Unlike other programs designed to reduce payroll related costs, professional health and disability management programs, when properly developed and introduced, will gain the support of your workforce and your union management. Gowan Consulting will assist you in developing a collaborative and proactive approach to managing employees with disabilities in your workplace… Working Together For Healthy Businesses!

Fill Out Our Customer Satisfaction Survey so we can continuously improve our services to meet your needs.

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