Recent Projects
BDEL was a member of the design teams for the Ottawa International Airport, the Ottawa Convention Centre, the Museum of Nature, Lansdowne Park, numerous federal government facilities, universities and health facilities.

The firm has extensive experience working collaboratively with design teams in the review of construction drawings, conducting accessibility audits and developing detailed and comprehensive recommendations to ensure facilities are in compliance with accessibility requirements. The firm is able to suggest innovative and unique accessible design features and best practices in universal design in order to create an accessible environment that is functional for the greatest number of users.


Betty Dion Enterprises Ltd. is an Ottawa based Canadian firm that offers unique and comprehensive services related to universal design and accessibility.  The exceptional value BDEL brings to projects, lies in our ability to bring a universal design approach considering design considerations for all people, including those with disabilities. Through our extensive work in the accessibility field we understand the legislative framework and the broad range of technical specifications from the provincial, national and international building codes and standards. 
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International Best
Practices in Universal Design
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2011 Betty Dion Enterprises Ltd. (BDEL) All rights reserved.
Betty Dion Enterprises Ltd.
458 Melbourne Ave.
Ottawa, ON
K2A 1W3

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Betty Dion Enterprises Ltd.
Les Entreprises Betty Dion Ltee.