Permanent Impairment Allowance

The Permanent Impairment Allowance (PIA) is a taxable, monthly benefit—payable for life. The allowance is provided when your career options have been limited because of a service-related illness or injury.

Do I qualify?

You may qualify if you have:

How do I apply?

Your VAC case manager can assist you with your application.

If you do not have a case manager, the staff at any VAC office or Integrated Personnel Support Centre (IPSC) can assist you.

You can also fill out the application and mail it to us.


If you are registered for My VAC Account, you can apply online now. If you aren’t registered, why wait? Register today.

PIA supplement

If VAC has designated you as totally and permanently incapacitated, you may also qualify for the Permanent Impairment Allowance supplement.

Severe and permanent impairment

This term is used to identify that the Veteran permanently requires supervision, is severely and permanently limited in mobility or self-care, has conditions such as an amputation or a total and permanent loss of vision or hearing or speech, or a severe and permanent psychiatric condition.

Total and permanent incapacity

This term is used to indicate that the Veteran’s health issue(s) and impairment(s) are not expected to improve to the point where they will regain the ability to pursue suitable gainful employment.

Suitable gainful employment

Suitable gainful employment is a job or career for which you are reasonably qualified by reason of your level of education, training or experience, and that provides at least 66 2/3% of you pre-release salary.

Did you find what you were looking for?

You can also do a search or contact us at 1-866-522-2122 (toll-free) Monday to Friday, 8:30 to 4:30, local time.

Living outside of Canada?

Monday to Friday, 8:30 to 4:30, EST

United States 1-888-996-2242 (toll-free)
United Kingdom, Germany, France, or Belgium 00-800-996-22421 (toll-free)
Any other country 1-613-996-2242 (collect)

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