2015 Recipients

Certificate of Excellence

Certificate of Excellence Recipients


Nicole Blais

Nicole Blais

Nicole Blais is a happy combination of technological savvy, positive attitude, quick wit and genuine care for others. Under her guidance, her students seek to make themselves, Canada and the world stronger and more compassionate. Her award-winning Our Village Uganda program brings Canadian and African students together over Skype for prayer and discussion.

Scott Onuczko

Scott Onuczko

Traditional tools and the latest technology both have a place in Scott Onuczko's class—helping students explore their creative sides. Collaborative projects give learners real-world experience. Students enhance their design and production skills, explore interests outside the curriculum and change the world … one personally designed and silkscreened T-shirt at a time.

British Columbia

Emmanuel Escueta

Emmanuel Escueta

Emmanuel Escueta's French immersion students are proud, happy and excited to learn from this caring educator. With songs, dances, instruments and crafts, Mr. Escueta shares his Filipino culture and other traditions. Schools across Canada use his Verbathon language competition to get children excited about French. His young learners excel in reading, writing and performance.

Monica Lee

Monica Lee

Monica Lee's classroom is focused on supporting, extending and celebrating the ways her young students learn. Her classroom is filled with music and nature. Her international experience—including work at a Chinese orphanage—helps students make connections between school and society. Technology such as SMARTBoards extends learning for five- and six-year-olds and helps them pursue their interests. Her blog keeps parents and others up to date on what's happening in the classroom.


Charles Bazilewich

Charles Bazilewich

Charles Bazilewich isn't just an innovator. He's a trailblazer. His cyber-security courses filled a major gap in Manitoba's high school curriculum. Students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills in a safe and ethical environment. They receive unparalleled professional training and mentoring. Graduates are scooped up by employers and excel in post-secondary courses.

New Brunswick

Armand Doucet

Armand Doucet

With his larger-than-life personality, Armand Doucet turned to teaching to make a difference in children's lives. How? By transforming his school into Hogwarts to hook kids on reading; by running nearly 1,000 km in one month to set a good example for families about getting active; and by instilling pride in the school through refurbished classrooms and leading-edge equipment.


Jean-Paul Dupont

Jean-Paul Dupont

Jean-Paul Dupont is a passionate, creative thinker. Holy Cross owes its multifaceted choir and band program to Mr. Dupont. His board-wide Art and Soul program brings students together for a two-day retreat to explore creativity and faith. He strives to become the best possible version of himself he can be. He inspires and expects his students to do the same.

Anand Mahadevan

Anand Mahadevan

Anand Mahadevan pushes young scientists to be curious, experiment, collaborate, solve complex problems and pursue their interests with passion. His two-week Bright Lights in the Lab summer program inspires students to pursue neuroscience. He also helps his high-achieving students to become well-rounded, with exemplary communications, time management and collaborative skills.

Steve Revington

Steve Revington

Steve Revington's authentic learning model extends education far beyond the walls of the school. Learning encompasses the local community and the broader world. Interactive and immersive experiences abound. Students explore the city solving clues and completing rich and meaningful tasks. They engineer and construct capsules to protect raw eggs being dropped from great heights — all to engage students and bring learning to life.


Yvan Girouard

Yvan Girouard

He has been nicknamed "Professor Duracell"! Yvan Girouard is a tireless innovator. His "class museum" is an example of his personality: stimulating, playful and fascinating. From the creation of 3D videos of science experiments to the construction of a 10 m dinosaur, his many talents are always at his students' service.

Certificate of Achievement

Certificate of Achievement Recipients


Carla Cuglietta

Carla Cuglietta

Powerful and passionate teacher inspires positive change, models how to be a leader while engaging students in activities that build character, and supports students' physical, intellectual and spiritual development.

Abbi Easton

Abbi Easton

Never Haupting down from a challenge, educator transitioned from teaching Grade 1 to Grade 9, bringing along techniques to engage teens and guide their learning with open-ended enquiries.

Mandy Reed

Mandy Reed

This master teacher and true servant-leader gives second-language learners every opportunity to succeed in school and helps Canadians and their families build a new life.

British Columbia

Bryan Tesan

Bryan Tesan

Inspired by his own family, this "bright light" helps students of all abilities, and their parents, find their way in the school system and uses technology and simulation games to enhance learning.

Greg Tjosvold

Greg Tjosvold

Author, world traveller and tech enthusiast, educator inspires children's minds and nourishes their hearts, challenging gifted students and helping those struggling to take their next steps.

Carla Pace

Carla Pace

Building 3D models of the digestive track, creating board games and performing a Shakespeare play: this teachers gets children busy, believing that participation is the route to self-discovery.


Brenda Margetts

Brenda Margetts

Children leave this veteran educator's class as young leaders, stewards of the earth and proud Canadians, and receive a handwritten note from her when they graduate from Grade 12.

New Brunswick

Krista Richard

Krista Richard

Dedicated and tireless physical education teacher enriches school and student life through physical activity and fun, teaches and models respect and inclusion to the benefit of all students and families.

Northwest Terriorties

Eugene Jenks

Eugene Jenks

Engaging teacher reaches out to students in isolated Arctic communities through video conferencing to both build rapport with individuals and create a sense of community.

Heather Bilodeau

Heather Bilodeau

Thanks to her collaborative approach, this action-oriented woman (the only English teacher of her school) has successfully adapted her teaching methods to meet the highly diverse needs of her blended classrooms.

Nova Scotia

Natalie MacIsaac

Natalie MacIsaac

"Enthusiastic, energetic, engaging and encouraging" teacher incorporates dance and movement into her classes and uses her community contacts for student learning and leadership.


Amy Soucie

Amy Soucie

With a collaborative approach, knowledge and experience, this strong advocate for students with disabilities ensures they are fully integrated into school life and have every chance to succeed.

Brian Aspinall

Brian Aspinall

"Funny man" keeps elementary students active and engaged with coding and developing apps, and supports teachers and learners with the free, web-based software he creates.

Michael Parsons

Michael Parsons

Role model's experiential, cross-curricular business program takes students out of confines of school to focus on leadership, inspires them to fundraise tens of thousands of dollars each year.

Laura Briscoe

Laura Briscoe

Passionate and dedicated art teacher guides students as they share their creative skills with younger learners, local businesses and the wider world.

Carolyn McGuire

Carolyn McGuire

Nurturing teacher's wide-ranging strategies help students with academic, social and behavioural challenges to thrive and girls to build self-esteem and strong characters as they grow.

Kerry Miller

Kerry Miller

Leaving home for school for the first time, children encounter this loving and creative teacher who makes sure they find their place and learn to think clearly and act logically.

Shelley Neal

Shelley Neal

"How can I help? Let's make it so." With those words, this long-time educator not only ensures students with disabilities succeed on their own terms but also supports and mentors her colleagues.

David Lloyd Grant

David Lloyd Grant

Known as a "disruptive technology" in his own right, teacher transformed school's approach to teaching and learning, using robotics and cross-curricular projects to engage boys.

Helen Wolfe

Helen Wolfe

Ambitious cross-curricular units, coding club for girls that "stomps the digital divide" and family numeracy evenings: a few examples of how this 40-year teacher has had a lasting impact.

Elaine Haupt

Elaine Haupt

With one simple motto—"Read, write, speak, grow"—this gentle educator leads in-depth exploration of texts, welcomes and supports reluctant learners, and mentors colleagues.


Annie Jutras

Annie Jutras

This teacher has taught her students the essential power of communication through a variety of academic projects related to poetry and culture.

Marc-André Perron

Marc-André Perron

This teacher helps his students learn by staging plays and conducting other fun and innovative activities.

André Garneau

André Garneau

By encouraging his students to achieve excellence and to appreciate the power of team work, this teacher has made his school's Music program the huge success that it is today.

Andrea Venditti

Andrea Venditti

Passionate about all things science, veteran teacher actively engages her own students, while exposing younger children to the fun of science before they get to high school.

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