Canadian Armed Forces jobs

Over 100 career options. Lifelong learning opportunities. Excellent pay and benefits. Find a job with the Forces that matches your skill set and career ambitions.


Now hiring

Check out jobs with the Canadian Armed Forces that are in demand right now.

Browse jobs

Browse the various job opportunities available with the Canadian Armed Forces.

Part-time jobs

Discover how you can serve part-time in the Reserve Force of the Canadian Armed Forces.

Get to know your Forces

Read profiles of Canadian Armed Forces members and take a quiz to test your knowledge of the Forces.

Life in the Forces

Learn about what life is like in the Canadian Armed Forces as a member of the Navy, Army, Air Force and Reserve Force.

Women in the Forces

Discover information and testimonials about the opportunities and challenges for women in the Canadian Armed Forces.

Career options

Explore the different ways you can serve in the Canadian Armed Forces including full time or part time as an officer or as a non-commissioned member.

Paid education

Discover how the Canadian Armed Forces will pay for your university or college education in exchange for military service.


Find out about basic training for officers and non-commissioned members and how you can get yourself prepared physically for basic training.

Aboriginal programs

Learn about programs that allow Aboriginal people to experience the Canadian Armed Forces, without the commitment to join.

Find a recruiter

Search for the location of a Canadian Armed Forces recruitment centre near you.

Apply now

Apply for a job with the Canadian Armed Forces and learn about the steps in the application process.

Information for families

If someone in your family is considering a career with the Canadian Armed Forces, here is some information for you about what to expect.

Information for advisors

If you are a guidance counsellor or an academic advisor, see how the Canadian Armed Forces can offer both education and employment opportunities for your graduates.

Jobs for Forces members only

Information for current Canadian Armed Forces members about joining the Special Operations Forces, the Skyhawks and the Snowbirds as well as current reserve job opportunities.

Pay rates

Explore pay information for Canadian Armed Forces members.

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