Public Works and Government Services Canada
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Welcome to the Supplier Registration Information (SRI) system. By registering in SRI, you are making your information widely available to federal government buyers who can use it to identify potential suppliers for the goods and services they require.

Contact the SRI team

Need Help? Don't have your password? Send an email to or call the InfoLine at 1-800-811-1148.

How to obtain a PBN

To obtain a Procurement Business Number (PBN), you must first have a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Business Number (BN), or a Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Services Tax (GST-HST) number, and your Legal Name as registered with CRA.

If you do not have a BN, please contact CRA:

Registering in SRI is a two-step process.

Step 1) Create an account:

  • In the left menu click on "Start Registration"
  • enter your Business Number (BN), click on the "Continue" button then enter your Legal Name.
  • Complete all fields and create a user name (8 characters or more) and password (8 characters, including one number). The e-mail address you enter will be used to send the PBN and instructions for completing Step 2 of the registration.
  • Click on "Continue".

Once you have submitted this basic information, your BN and Legal Name will be verified electronically by the CRA system. If accepted you will receive by email your Procurement Business Number (PBN). If you have not received an e-mail within 2 working days of submitting the information for Step 1, please call the InfoLine at 1-800-811-1148.

Step 2) Complete the account

Log into your SRI Account

  • Upon receipt of your PBN from CRA, click on the URL in the e-mail, or click on "Access my account" in the left menu.
  • To log in, enter your PBN, username and password then click "Submit". Complete all fields: company information, address, contacts and commodities.

List of commodities

Commodities are goods and/or services that your company can supply. It is important to list the commodities so that we know which goods or services you can supply.

  • In the first screen, indicate in which geographic area(s) you can supply. Then click on "Update".
  • Click on the file folder icons (Goods, Services, Construction) to view sub-categories until you find the commodities you supply; to select commodities click on the grey circle to the left of the description. You can return to previous levels by clicking on an open file folder.
  • You can also find commodities by doing a keyword or commodity code search.
  • Once you have completed your selection, you can return to your Company Information to see the commodities you have selected.

Joint Venture PBN

  • Step 1 of the registration for a JV account MUST be created by a SRI system administration agent.
  • The BN of the lead company (or operator) is used to create a new account for the joint venture (JV).
  • All members of the joint venture should have a PBN.
  • The Legal name field must show the names of all companies participating in the JV.

Send your request by email to: and include the PBN and legal name of all participating companies.

Update your SRI account

  • In the left menu, click on "Access my Account".
  • Enter your PBN, Username and Password then click "Submit".
  • Click "View/Edit" to see Email, Address, Contacts and Commodities.
  • Click on "Edit This Entry" to edit other information such as Registrant Name, Operating Name, Business Sector, etc.

Legal Name Change

A change of company Legal Name must be done in the CRA system before we can change it in SRI. Once the change is done with CRA, send an email to requesting a legal name change in your account.

Keep your record up to date

You should periodically check your SRI account. It is most important that your e-mail, contact name, address, and telephone number be current so you don't miss any opportunities to bid. New commodities are added to the SRI listings from time to time and some of these may be applicable to you.

Deactivate your account

You may temporarily deactivate your company account (for ex. for a temporary plant shutdown). By doing so your record will show as inactive when accessed by government buyers. To do this, select "Deactivate" on the "Company Information" screen. Click on "Activate" to re-establish your company in SRI.

Other registration systems

Once you have completed your registration in SRI and have a PBN, you may want to register in other PWGSC systems that use the PBN such as SELECT, and enrol in the Centralized Professional Services System (CPSS) ePortal.


Information contained in SRI is accessible by various federal departments and agencies in Canada and will be used for buying, invoicing, payment purposes, and for consulting on procurement related initiatives and projects. By submitting the SRI form you agree to the release of information held in the SRI system to various levels of governments in Canada (such as federal government departments and agencies, Crown corporations and provincial or municipal governments).

By registering in SRI, you also agree that PWGSC may send you pertinent procurement information by email.

Your personal information, including the PBN, is protected under the federal Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. Questions or comments regarding this policy, or the administration of these acts may be directed by e-mail to the PWGSC Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator at .

(Aug 2014)