Quick browse to find a GSIN code

Browse the below commodity types to find Goods and Services Identification Number (GSIN) codes related to your industry.

Quick search to find procurement information

Search using the below commodity types to narrow to your GSIN code of interest to find procurement information, such as tenders.

Get started with GSIN codes

GSIN codes can be used on Buyandsell.gc.ca to find opportunities, competition, bid partners, or PWGSC procurement professionals.

Find your GSIN code

UNSPSC replacing GSIN codes

Coming in 2017, the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) will replace GSIN codes. All of the GSIN codes will be mapped to UNSPSC. This mapping between the GSIN and UNSPSC will be shared by PWGSC on Buyandsell.gc.ca as open data.

Over the course of the transition to UNSPSC, Tenders, Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements, and Contract History, will be connected using UNSPSC.

There is no immediate impact to businesses or government buyers. As the transition to UNSPSC is implemented, PWGSC will inform businesses and government buyers of changes that may impact them. Visit the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) web page to learn more.

Find contacts for GSIN codes

Use Contacts for GSIN Codes to find contact information for the division responsible for the procurement of your good or service.

What are GSIN codes?

The federal government uses Goods and Services Identification Number (GSIN) codes to identify generic product descriptions for its procurement activities. Learn more About GSIN Codes.


  • Learn how to navigate between different types of procurement data (Tenders, Contract History and Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements) in the Get Started with GSIN Codes page.
  • Browse GSIN Codes to find codes related to your industry and to find related procurement information, such as opportunities, competition, bid partners, or PWGSC procurement professionals.
  • Follow Steps to Find and Use GSIN Codes to learn how to find procurement information.

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