Searchable fields

Application number

The number that is assigned to a trademark application (also referred to a TMO number, meaning Trademarks Office number).

Registration number

This is the number that is assigned to a trademark when it becomes registered. The number is preceded by an abbreviation of the name of the act under which it was registered (ATM for an Act Pertaining to Trademarks, TMDA for Trade Mark and Design Act, UCA for Unfair Competition Act, NFLD for Newfoundland Act, and TMA for Trade-marks Act). But, when you use this database, only the number is needed. If several trademarks have the same registration number but are registered under different acts, the list that the database generates will give you all the trademarks that have that number.

Current owner name

The name of the most recent owner registered with the Trademarks Office. See also registrant.

Old owner name

The name of the previous owner registered with the Trademarks Office.

Old and current owner name

The name of the previous or the most recent owner registered with the Trademarks Office.


This is the trademark itself if it consists of words, numerals or letters only, or refers to a description if it is a combination of a word and design mark, or consists of design features only.

Trademark description

This is a written description of what the mark consists of. It is used mainly for trademarks registered under the old Trade Mark and Design Act (TMDA) and Unfair Competition Act (UCA). It is sometimes used for trademarks registered pursuant to the Trade-marks Act (TMA) that have design features.

Foreign character translation/transliteration

When a trademark contains foreign characters, a translation and a transliteration of those characters is needed in the official language of the application. This field allows you to look up the translation/transliteration. (A transliteration is when a letter or word is written using the closest corresponding letters of a different alphabet or language.)

Index heading

Index headings identify all word components of the trademark.


The goods field contains all the goods related to a trademark. When you use this field, you should know that the goods are shown in the official language in which they were submitted. Therefore, you may want to look up the same goods in both official languages (English and French).


The services field contains all the services associated with a trademark. When using this field, you should know that the services are shown in the official language in which they were submitted. Therefore, you may want to look up the same services in both official languages (English and French).

Goods and services

The goods and services field contains all the goods and services associated with a trademark. When you use this field, you should know that the goods and services are shown in the official language in which they were submitted. Therefore, you may want to look up the same goods and services in both official languages  (English and French).


Sometimes an applicant has to disclaim the right to the exclusive use of one or more unregistrable parts of a trademark. This field allows you to search disclaimed subject matter on the database. You should know that, depending on how the disclaimer statement is worded, some trademarks that have disclaimed matter may not be found.

For example, when you are searching for marks in which the word “ultra” has been disclaimed, and you input the word “ultra” in this field, you will find trademarks for which the word “ultra” has been specifically disclaimed. You will not hit the marks that include the word “ultra” for which the disclaimer statement reads as follows: “The applicant disclaims the right to the exclusive use of All The Reading Matter apart from the trademark” and other similar disclaimers.

Vienna codes

The Vienna Code Classification is an international standard for categorizing trademark designs by their figurative elements. The Vienna Classification consists of a hierarchical system that moves from the general to the specific, dividing all figurative elements into categories, divisions and sections.

For example, the “hands” is a figurative element with the code 2.9.14, of which the category is 2, the division is 9, and the section is 14.

Vienna codes description

This field allows you to search words within the written description of the figurative elements in the Vienna Classification.

Trademark lookup (default)

This setting will simultaneously query the following fields: Trademark, Trademark description, foreign character translation and Index Headings. Consequently, this setting allows the user the convenience of being able to query all the fields which are relevant to looking up a particular trademark. Trademark lookup has been chosen as the default setting, as it most probably will be the most frequently used setting.