Innovation funding and support

Learn about funding, tax credits, advisory services and other types of support for your research and development (R&D), innovation and commercialization projects.


Services and information

Find support for business innovation

The Concierge Service is a single access point to information on funding, expertise, facilities and global opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) seeking to grow through innovation.

Industrial Research Assistance Program

This program provides customized innovation and funding services to help you accelerate the growth of your business through innovation and technology.

Tax credits for R&D

Get a tax credit when your business invests in R&D through the Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Incentive Program.

Sell your innovations to government

Discover the Build in Canada Innovation Program (BCIP) that helps businesses get their innovative products and services from the lab to the marketplace.

Research infrastructure funding

Find out how to apply for research infrastructure funding including projects to attract a leading researcher; team-led innovative projects that have a structuring effect for an institution or a region; and large-scale national projects.

Natural sciences and engineering research collaboration

Access a scalable set of tools to engage and collaborate with university and college researchers to bring new products and services to market.

International innovation

Global innovation funding, accelerated access to global markets and on the ground support.

Atlantic Innovation Fund

This program helps Atlantic Canadian businesses, universities, colleges and research institutions develop and bring to market new products and services that lead to market success, help grow strategic sectors or lead to the creation of research and commercialization partnerships.

Innovative Communities Fund (Atlantic Canada)

This fund invests in strategic projects that build the economies of Atlantic Canada's communities. Eligible recipients include non-commercial/not-for-profit organizations.

Innovate, adopt a technology or provide technology transfer (Quebec)

Do you wish to transfer technology, to adopt a technology or to innovate? Learn more about the eligibility criteria and find out if this activity is supported in your region of Quebec.

Investing in Commercialization Partnerships (Ontario)

Funding for Southern Ontario–based publicly funded universities, colleges and not-for-profit organizations for business-led projects that focus on bringing new ideas to market.

Advanced Manufacturing Fund (Ontario)

Repayable funding is available for manufacturing companies in Ontario for new and innovative products or production methods, with market entry or commercialization within five years.

Innovation priority (Northern Ontario)

Funding for Northern Ontario communities and businesses to become more innovative, productive and competitive through the adoption, adaptation and commercialization of new technologies, fostering technology linkages between business and institutions, advancing technological research and development, and promoting community innovation initiatives.

Western Innovation Fund

Fund offering repayable contributions for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) with operations in Western Canada to move their new and innovative technologies from the later stages of research and development to the marketplace.

AgriInnovation Program

Get funding for research and development, knowledge transfer, or commercialization activities that will lead to innovative agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products, practices, processes, or services.

What we are doing

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