Canada School of Public Service

The Canada School of Public Service leads the government’s enterprise-wide approach to learning by providing a common, standardized curriculum that supports public servants through key career transitions, ensuring that they are equipped to serve Canadians with excellence.

We are a federal institution that is part of the Treasury Board Portfolio.

We are in the process of moving our services and information to

Our current Canada School of Public Service Web site will remain available until the move to is complete.


Our services and information

Learning opportunities

Learning products that deal with a variety of topics, offering learners many different ways to upgrade their skills and accessible through the GCcampus learning application.

Learning events

Interactive seminars, workshops, armchair discussions and forums that provide opportunities for dialogue on the current issues facing the public service.

Public Service Orientation

A compendium of learning resources on foundational topics available to all public service employees.

Language training

Self-directed evaluation simulations and interactive online tools designed to improve oral and written comprehension, pronunciation, grammar, written expression and fluency in one’s second official language (English or French).

Foundational development

An evolving spectrum of learning opportunities that cover topics relevant across disciplines and departments, open to public service employees at every level.

Supervisor and manager development

Programs that provide public service employees with the skills and knowledge they need to make the critical transition to supervisory and management positions.

Executive development

Courses, workshops, seminars and online products that support talent management and the development of leadership competencies among employees as they progress through the senior ranks of the public service.

Specialized development

Dedicated resources and learning opportunities for the various professional communities of practice across the public service.

What we are doing


MySchool News

A monthly e-newsletter outlining the latest information about learning activities at the School.


GCcampus. For all your learning needs. Log in using MyAccount credentials. Log in/sign up.

A learning application that provides access to a wide variety of online courses, programs, commercial products and other resources.

Our faculty

Learn, Network, Succeed

At the School, public servants learn from the best of the best among their peers.

Corporate information

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