Charities and giving

Register a charity, claim charitable tax credits, and search for a registered charity.


Services and information

Charities Listings

Search the Charities Listings, confirm whether a Canadian charity is registered, and view a charity’s information return.

A to Z index of topics for charities

Search the index of topics for charities.

Educational resources for charities

Watch videos and webinars, access checklists for charities, reference the toolbox for directors and volunteers, and more.

Applying for registration

Apply to be registered as a charity, learn about the review process, and get other information.

Operating a registered charity

Learn about the obligations of registration, filing a return, gifting and receipting, charitable activities, books and records, and making changes.

Filing the T3010 information return

Complete and file Form T3013, and learn when it is due.

Claiming charitable tax credits

Calculate your charitable tax credits, find out which documents you need, and use the charitable donation tax credit calculator.

Policies and guidance

Reference policies and guidance to learn about the requirements of the Income Tax Act and the common law that applies to registered charities.

More information

Get information about other organizations that can issue receipts (qualified donees), as well as the monitoring and auditing of registered charities.


Canada’s response to the conflict in Syria

Humanitarian aid

Questions and answers for charities and donors

Alberta wildfires

Assisting people and charities impacted by the Wildfires

Due dates for the T3010 return

Due dates for the T3010 return

File on time!

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