Lower Canada Land Petitions (1626-1865)

The Lower Canada Land Petitions contain petitions for grants or leases of land and other administrative records. This research tool provides access to more than 95,000 references to individuals who lived in present-day Quebec between 1626 and 1865.


Dataset Resources

Resource Name Format Language Link
Dataset CSV Bilingual (English and French) Download
Dataset CSV Bilingual (English and French) Download
Dataset CSV Bilingual (English and French) Download
Data Dictionary RTF French Download
Data Dictionary RTF English Download

Developer Tools

  • The information on this page (the dataset metadata) is also available in JSON format
    Link to JSON format

Geographic Information

Geographic Region


  • Elliott


    Both "Data Dictionary" files are incorrectly annotated as XML files with a .xml extension. However, these files are Word documents, and should have the .docx extension. Also, why is the Dataset available in 3 parts, when the Upper Canada version is only one?

  • open-ouvert


    Thank you for your comment. The following response has been posted on behalf of the dataset owner : "Elliott, thank you so much for advising us of this error. The old files have now been replaced with properly formatted documents, and these have the proper extension. Thanks again!"

  • Robert Herman


    I read the previous comment about the file format, and also about it being in 3 parts. However, when I originally looked at these images several years ago, I noticed they were often repeated (3 of each). Now after downloading these 3 Word docs, I see a repetition again, easily noticed when Mary Simmons changes to Martha Simmens. Are these 3 copies of the same data based on the original 3 copies ? Also, this range of years does not appear from a casual search at Archives; are the images for these still available on-line?

  • open-ouvert


    Thank you for your feedback. We have forwarded your comment to the dataset provider for their response. Best regards, the Open Government Team