Transport and infrastructure

Learn about the safe movement of people and goods by air, rail, road, and water in Canada. Find information on topics such as vehicle recalls, boat licensing, rail crossings, and unmanned aircraft. Access information on transportation accidents and investigations.



Air transportation

Includes: Aeronautical Information Manual (TC AIM); aviation regulations; advisory circulars; flying unmanned aircraft; pilot and crew licensing; aircraft registration; airport and airline operations; aviation occurrence reporting.

Marine transportation

Includes: proof of competency operator cards; licensing, certifying, and registering boats; Safe Boating Guide; seafarer training; marine notices and bulletins; commercial vessel information; navigational aids.

Road transportation

Includes: vehicle, tire, and car seat recalls; child car seat safety; importing vehicles; vehicle safety; commercial drivers and commercial vehicles regulations; vehicle manufacturer requirements.

Rail transportation

Includes: safe railway crossings; Railway Operating Certificates; reporting rail accidents; rail investigation reports; railway notices and orders; shipping grain.

Dangerous goods

Includes: Transportation of Dangerous Goods regulations; Canadian Transport Emergency Centre (CANUTEC); reporting emergencies; Emergency Response Assistance Plans (ERAPs); advisories and alerts.


Includes: funding infrastructure projects; the St. Lawrence Bridge project; list of federal projects by province and territory.


Canada's Gateways

Canada's gateways make up a transportation network that crosses the country and the world.

Have your say on infrastructure

Have your say on how the Government of Canada should invest $120 billion in infrastructure over the next 10 years. Help create the plan to build better communities across Canada.

Grade Crossing Improvement Program

Learn how the program helps improve safety at railway crossings across Canada.

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