Natural resources and energy

Learn about Canada’s natural resources, including water, forests and the Canadian mining industry.



Energy sources

Get information on energy sources such as oil, coal, natural gas and uranium. Find out about federal programs relating to the development and management of energy sources.


Learn about Canada’s forests and the forest industry. Get information on forest products, import and export policies, forest pests, and federal programs relating to forestry.


Managing Canada’s water resources is everybody’s responsibility. Learn about research, policies and programs in this area.


Find information on mineral markets, green mining, exploration and other aspects of mining in Canada.

Resource development and infrastructure

Find out about resource development and its supporting infrastructure, including pipelines, ports, railways and roads.

Geography and other earth sciences

Geography and the other earth sciences help us understand Canada’s land, natural resources and environment—and the interconnections among them. Get tools and resources here.

What we are doing


Market snapshots

New market snapshots are created at least bi-weekly and contain energy information updates that illustrate emerging trends in various segments of the energy market.

Videos on the St. Lawrence

Discover, through four videos about our activities, how scientists help us to better understand and protect the rich and diverse ecosystem of the St. Lawrence.

Water Survey of Canada

The Water Survey of Canada is the national authority responsible for the collection, interpretation and dissemination of standardized water resource data and information in Canada.

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