Indspire – Report

DCI 3884059.GCIMS (2016-2017)


This document shows all the possible sections in the Indspire form. When you indicate your type of organization, the form displays only those sections that are relevant to you. If you do not see a section, it is because AANDC does not require that information at this time.

Privacy Act Statement

This statement explains the purposes and use of your personal information. Only information needed to respond to program requirements will be requested. Collection and use of personal information is in accordance with the Privacy Act. In some cases, information may be disclosed without your consent pursuant to subsection 8(2) of the Privacy Act.

The collection and use of personal information for Indspire is authorized by the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. 1-6, s.4. ( and is required for your participation.

We will use the personal information for archival, reporting to senior management and audit, evaluation, research, and/or statistical. The information collected is described in the Post-Secondary Education Program, Personal Information Bank AANDC ESD 1111 detailed at, will be retained for 5 years and then are transferred to Library and Archives Canada.

As stated in the Privacy Act, you have the right to access your personal information and request changes to incorrect information. Contact your regional AANDC office or the Education Branch at to notify us about incorrect information. For more information on privacy issues and the Privacy Act in general, you can consult the Privacy Commissioner at 1 (800) 282-1376.

Report Identification

This section of the form is used for identification and tracking purposes. The fiscal year and reporting period are automatically filled with the relevant information.

The fields in this section are:

Organization Identification

This section is used to identify the organization completing the report and the Recipient who has the reporting requirement with AANDC.

The fields in this section are:


The Primary Contact is the person who is responsible for the DCI when completed.

The Secondary Contact is the back-up contact in case the Primary Contact is unavailable.

The fields in this section are:

Activities Undertaken and Results Achieved


The fields in this section are:


The fields in this section are:


The fields in this section are:


The fields in this section are:


A Partner is an organization that you expect to provide or has provided funding or in-kind contributions to the project.

The fields in this section are:

Supporting Documents

If you are submitting supporting documents, you need to list them on the PDF form. All documents MUST be submitted electronically.

You can attach any file format such as PDF, XML, MS Word, MS Excel, etc.

The fields in this section are:


Enter identification details of the person who has reviewed the information provided in the PDF and who confirms that it is accurate to the best of their knowledge.

The fields in this section are:

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