Indigenous Representative Organizations - Basic Organizational Capacity Funding

Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) provides basic organizational capacity (core) funding and project-based funding to Indigenous Representative Organizations (IROs).

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About the program

The Government of Canada values its relationship with Indigenous Representative Organizations (IROs) and recognizes the contribution they make on behalf of their members. To support the work of IROs across Canada, INAC provides both basic organizational capacity (core) funding and project funding.

INAC provides basic organizational capacity funding towards the core operations of national, provincial, territorial and/or regional representative Indigenous organizations and national Aboriginal women's organizations representing the interests, issues, and concerns of their members.

Basic organizational capacity (core) funding supports items such as salaries, rent and utilities.

Who can apply?

Indigenous organizations that meet these eligibility criteria.


There is no set time for basic organizational capacity funding applications.

How to apply?

Please refer to these Terms and Conditions and use this application form.

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