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Will Immigration Overhaul Jump Start...

By Robert Litan Buried in the 800-plus pages of the Gang of Eight’s Senate immigration overhaul are provisions that may help spark a resurgence of entrepreneurial activity that this country sorely needs. Until the Great Recession of 2008-09,  Read More»

On Sunday’s Capitol Gains: Fannie...

After a $116-billion dollar bailout, is Fannie Mae poised to pay taxpayers back? In an exclusive interview on Bloomberg Government’s “Capitol Gains,” Peter Cook talks with Fannie Mae President and CEO Tim Mayopoulos about the  Read More»

BGOV Insight: Supreme Court to Decide...

By Brian Rye The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments April 15 in a case that has significant repercussions for the biotechnology industry and society’s push toward personalized medicine. At issue is a straightforward question with broad  Read More»

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Demand for Skilled Worker Visas Exceeds Supply: BGOV Analysis

The minimum demand for temporary high-skilled worker visas (H-1B visas) is 155,000 annually, and the supply regularly falls short of what businesses want, according to a Bloomberg Government Analysis. » Read More

Will Immigration Overhaul Boost Entrepreneurship? BGOV Insight

Buried in the 800-plus pages of the Gang of Eight's Senate immigration overhaul are provisions that may help spark a resurgence of entrepreneurial activity that this country sorely needs. » Read More

Fragile Immigration Pact Risks Lost Momentum After Boston Bombs

A political landscape that seemed tailor-made for a bipartisan rewrite of immigration laws just a week ago has been reshaped by the Boston Marathon bombing. » Read More

Senate Set to Move Online Sales Tax Bill As House Takes Up Health Funding Measure

Online sales tax legislation and a bill which would provide funding for the pre-existing conditions program in the president's health care law highlight congressional floor activity this week.» Read More

Finance Lobby Says Online Sales Bill Could Yield Transaction Tax

A Senate bill that would let states impose sales tax on purchases from out-of-state sellers could lead to state-level financial transaction taxes, a Wall Street trade association warned. » Read More


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