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Retirement planning

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How we protect depositors in a failure
How we protect depositors in a failure
How we protect depositors in a failure

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Are deposits held at a bank branch in Canada by a non-resident or non-Canadian citizen eligible for CDIC coverage?

A: The place of residence or nationality of depositors does not affect the eligibility of their deposits for CDIC coverage...

Are my deposits protected if my bank is not a member but is owned by one?

A: Some of our member institutions offer depositors the option to purchase eligible deposits through their trademark company or directly through the CDIC member that own the trademark. If this is the case...

News and events

News and events


CDIC Corporate Plan Summary released

The Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC)’s Corporate Plan Summary was tabled today in Parliament.

CDIC welcomes new measures to strengthen Canada’s resolution regime

In a Parliamentary appearance on Bill C-44 yesterday evening, the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC) said that proposed changes to the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Act...

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