Economic Development and Corporate Finance Branch

The Economic Development and Corporate Finance (EDCF) Branch is responsible for advising the Minister on microeconomic, regional and sectoral issues and policies that contribute to higher productivity and economic growth in Canada. The Branch provides advice to support the Minister’s participation in Cabinet, and the development of the government’s budget.

To accomplish this, EDCF is organized in two divisions.

Microeconomic Policy Analysis Division

Industry and the Knowledge Economy

This section is responsible for policy analysis and advice on issues related to: Canada's innovation performance, university-based research, federal science and technology, and various manufacturing and service sectors.

Resources, Energy, and Environment

The section covers a broad range of issues including: climate change; energy policy and mining; water; biodiversity; and sustainable development planning.

Policy Analysis and Coordination

This section provides policy analysis and advice on proposals related to small business issues and financing, including the Business Development Bank of Canada, venture capital and the Small Business Loans Act; regulatory efficiency; regional economic development policies and agencies; and the forestry sector.

Corporate Finance & Asset Management

The section is responsible for the development and implementation of the Corporate Asset Management Review, an ongoing systematic analysis of the government’s corporate holdings. It advises on the operations and holdings of the Canada Development Investment Corporation. The section also provides analysis and advice on government support for large private sector projects.

Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative

The Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative Secretariat administers the government's contributions to the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Initiative, and contributions to the Harbourfront Centre, a not-for-profit organization whose mandate is to manage cultural and educational programming activities on the Toronto waterfront.

Sectoral Policy Analysis Division

Agriculture and Fisheries

The section provides advice on agriculture and fishery issues including: international market and price conditions, incomes, the food safety system, environmental planning, and rural development.

Transport And Corporate Analysis

The Transport and Corporate Analysis section is responsible for analysis and policy advice regarding Canada's road, rail and air transportation systems; the federal government's involvement in public infrastructure and the use of public-private partnerships.

Defence And Crown Corporations

The Defence and Crown Corporations section is responsible for providing analysis and advice on matters pertaining to National Defence, Security and Emergency Preparedness and select Crown corporations.