Budget 2016

With its first budget, the Government of Canada will chart a new course, and signal its intention to adopt a different approach to economic and fiscal policy. At the heart of this approach is a commitment to strengthen the middle class and create conditions for economic growth that benefit all Canadians.

By strengthening the middle class and growing the economy, Canadians who work hard can look forward to a good standard of living, a secure retirement, and better prospects for their children. It also helps to ensure that the government has the resources it needs to lift the vulnerable out of poverty, invest in research and innovation, and provide economic security to all Canadians.

The new government will take action to ensure that economic growth is shared equally with the middle class and those working so hard to join it. In challenging economic times, the government has an important role to play. Now—more than ever—is the time to make investments to build a stronger middle class and foster sustainable, clean growth.

The next budget, to be released on March 22, 2016, will be the first major step in enacting this new direction and plan.

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