Program Description

The Bank of Canada promotes the economic and financial welfare of Canada through its activities in four main areas: monetary policy, currency, financial system stability and funds management. The Bank’s Fellowship Program fosters excellence in research in Canada and develops partnerships with external experts in areas important to the Bank's mandate.

Research areas that support these responsibilities are diverse and the breadth of expertise crucial to our understanding of the post-crisis world extends beyond the traditional central banking fields of macroeconomics and finance. Apart from macroeconomics, monetary economics, international finance, financial markets and institutions, examples of relevant research areas include: micro and labour economics expertise to better understand the impact of business cycles on income distribution and inequality and the proper policy response; trade, growth and development economics, as well as country-specific expertise, to contribute to our understanding of the global adjustment to the growing importance of emerging market economies; and behavioural disciplines to further refine our understanding of expectations formation, asset pricing, and economic decision-making.

There are two awards available through the Fellowship Program: