Teachers institute

on Canadian Parliamentary Democracy

What is the Teachers Institute?

The Teachers Institute is an intensive professional development opportunity where you will...

  • learn from political, procedural and pedagogical experts;
  • discuss key issues in citizenship and parliamentary democracy
  • develop strategies for teaching Parliament, democracy, governance and citizenship; and
  • take what you learn back to your classroom.

Program Highlights

  • Meet parliamentarians, including the Speakers of the Senate and the House of Commons.
  • Hear from parliamentary experts, senior parliamentary officials, journalists and lobbyists.
  • Receive important resource materials that support teaching about Parliament, governance, democracy and citizenship.
  • See Parliament in action.


We invite applications from all new or experienced teachers who...

  • have not previously participated in the Teachers Institute;
  • currently teach or work in the field of education in Canada (kindergarten to Grade 12, or kindergarten to CEGEP in Québec);
  • currently teach or expect to be teaching in a subject area related to citizenship, civics and/or social studies, or work with teachers in those subject areas;
  • plan to continue working in the field of education in the province or territory from which you apply until at least June 30, 2017; and,
  • are prepared to undertake a follow-up activity to extend the impact of the Teachers Institute.

Program Fees

If you are selected for the program, there is a $500 registration fee.

Note: The Parliament of Canada covers most travel costs, accommodation, and most meals during the program. Participants should expect to pay for 3-4 dinners over the course of the week.

Bursary Opportunity

The Canadian Association of Former Parliamentarians (CAFP) offers $500 bursaries to help cover the cost of substitute coverage for participants who, otherwise, would not be able to attend. For information about the CAFP, visit www.exparl.ca.

October 30 - November 4, 2016
  • This is a one-of-a-kind experience. It is the best professional development that I have participated in as a teacher. I have learned so much this week about Canadian parliamentary democracy. I can’t wait to go back to my classroom and inspire my students with a passion for democracy. This week I am truly proud to be Canadian!

    - Elaine Strydhorst, Alberta

  • I have learned that I don’t need to teach my learners to vote. I need to teach them the passion to care about voting.

    - Bernice Curtis, Newfoundland and Labrador

  • Programs of this nature offer an outstanding opportunity to witness the processes first-hand, but also to gain so much perspective on and understanding of fellow Canadians. I feel so privileged to have had this opportunity, and will make great use of the gift of knowledge and understanding I have received.

    - Kathleen Galloway, Alberta

  • The week that I spent here has opened my eyes to the workings of Parliament, put a charge into my teaching, and most importantly reversed the naïve and cynical view that I had held concerning the workings of government.

    - Brian Grandy, Ontario

  • I feel so privileged to have been a part of it. I will never forget what I saw, heard, learned and felt. It was an experience that has touched me personally and benefited me professionally.

    - Derek Carter, Nova Scotia

  • Having taught for ten years, I can honestly say I have never experienced such an amazing professional development opportunity. As a primary teacher, I have struggled with how to make civics applicable to my classroom. I have wanted to make my students feel connected to Canada and find pride in being Canadian. I am leaving with multiple ideas to share and teach.

    - Elizabeth Phipps, Saskatchewan

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or view transcript here.

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