Naveen Rai


Naveen Rai is an Economist in the Regional Analysis Division in the Canadian Economics Analysis Department. His work focuses on the Business Outlook Survey and researching important issues for the Canadian economy including labour markets, productivity, housing, and credit conditions. He has completed his Masters in Applied Economics and Policy Analysis from the University of Regina.


Naveen Rai

Canadian Economic Analysis
Regional Analysis

Bank of Canada
1701 Hollis Street, 13th Floor
Halifax, NS, B3J 3M8


Canadian Labour Market Dispersion: Mind the (Shrinking) Gap

Staff Analytical Note 2016-3 David Amirault, Naveen Rai
Shocks to a currency area can and often do have asymmetric impacts on its regions that, in the absence of perfect labour mobility, lead to gaps in relative labour market performance. Witness, for example, the effects of the 2008/09 recession and subsequent financial crisis in Europe on the dispersion of employment rates across the euro area – and to a lesser extent the United States.

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