Market Notices

  • 22 October 2001 Terms and Conditions for the Expanded Bank of Canada Collateral List Effective 1 November 2001

    In July 2001, the Bank announced its intention to expand the list of collateral eligible for use in the Large Value Transfer System (LVTS), for loans made to direct participants in LVTS and the Automated Clearing Settlement System (ACSS), and to secure bank note withdrawals. Effective 1 November 2001, the list of eligible collateral will be expanded and will comprise the following:
    Content Type(s): Press, Notices
  • 4 October 2001 Debt Management Operational Enhancements

    A key federal debt strategy objective is maintaining a well-functioning market in Government of Canada securities. In keeping with the government's commitment to market consultations in domestic debt management issues, in August 2001 consultations were held with market participants on potential operational enhancements.
    Content Type(s): Press, Notices


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