
Many things go through your mind when deciding whether to make a protected disclosure of wrongdoing. One of the most common concerns is the fear of reprisals — if someone in your organization finds out that you made a disclosure, your work life could be negatively affected. 

This Office exists, in large part, to help ensure that does not happen. We are obligated and fully committed to protecting your identity, to the extent possible.

Protection of identity

Confidentiality is a priority for us. The Office and chief executives must protect to the extent possible, the identity of persons making disclosures, witnesses, and persons alleged to have committed a wrongdoing.

There are, however, no absolute guarantees. External factors may lead to the identity of the discloser being revealed. For example, someone may have brought the issue to light in the workplace before a disclosure was made.

Protection of the confidentiality of information

We must also ensure the confidentiality of the information obtained and created during an investigation into a disclosure. This information will remain confidential and will not be disclosed. Amendments to the Privacy Act, the Access to Information Act and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act were made to protect information related to a disclosure.

We take this obligation very seriously. Unless required by law or permitted by the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act, the Commissioner and those working with him must not disclose any information obtained in the performance of their duties.


For more information on protection, read the guide: How am I protected? 
