Departmental Performance Report

The RCMP follows Treasury Board Secretariat reporting guidelines in the drafting and finalization of the Departmental Performance Report (DPR). DPRs are individual department and agency accounts of results achieved against planned performance expectations as set out in respective RPPs. These Performance Reports, which cover the most recently completed fiscal year, are tabled in Parliament in the fall by the President of the Treasury Board on behalf of the ministers who preside over the appropriation dependent departments and agencies identified in Schedules I, I.1 and II of the Financial Administration Act.

The annual DPR is one of our primary instruments of public accountability and every effort is made to provide consistent, comprehensive and accurate information relating to our performance. The evolution to strong and meaningful accountability between government and Canadian citizens is occasionally difficult - the "bottom line" is not always well defined. The RCMP strives to earn and maintain the trust and respect of Canadians by ensuring ownership, responsibility and accountability at every level. The Report provides a sound basis of accountability for the results achieved with the resources and authorities entrusted to the RCMP.

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