How to File

If you are ready to make a disclosure to the Office, there are just a few simple steps to follow. 

  1. Complete the appropriate Disclosure Form. 
  2. Gather any additional information or documentation you may have to support your allegations. There is no need to look for additional information yourself, only to provide us with whatever you already have in your possession. You will have an opportunity to discuss the file with an analyst and provide further information and clarification if need be. 
  3. Submit all in person to our Office, by mail or secure fax transmission at 613-946-2151. Please do not use e-mail as it is not a secure means of transmission. 
  4. Respect the confidentiality of the process, as we do, while we review your disclosure and determine next steps.

You may reach the Office by dialing (613) 941-6400 or toll free at: 1 (866) 941-6400 if you require any information or questions on completing and submitting a disclosure form. 

Forms - Microsoft Word Format

Disclosure – public servants only
Disclosure – members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Disclosure - member of the public
