The Viceregal Lion
  1. The Governor General of Canada
  2. His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston
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Canadian Multiculturalism Day

June 27, 2016 

Message from the Governor General of Canada 
on the Occasion of Canadian Multiculturalism Day 

OTTAWA — Diversity goes far beyond skin colour—it goes to the very root of our being, of how we see ourselves and, in turn, how we see others. It is shaped by our lived experiences and the influence of our family and peers. Yet, as vastly different as we are, we also have much in common: above all else, we are Canadians. 

Beyond our origins and customs, we are all the same: we celebrate together in times of triumph; we grieve together in times of sorrow, and we reach out to one another in times of need. I have seen it time and again, even during my visits to Fort McMurray, to Canada’s North, and to urban centres and rural towns from coast to coast to coast: we are all human

On this Multiculturalism Day, I encourage all Canadians to celebrate the diversity of our great nation.

David Johnston 


Media information

Marie-Ève Létourneau
Rideau Hall Press Office


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