The Viceregal Lion
  1. The Governor General of Canada
  2. His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston
Role and Responsibilities
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At the request of the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, Their Excellencies the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, and Mrs. Sharon Johnston will conduct a working visit to the United Mexican States, from November 30 to December 2; an official visit to Peru, from December 2 to 5; and a State visit to Guatemala, from December 5 to 7, 2012

For more information on the announcement of these visits, please see the news release.

All timings indicated are in local time zone (Peru - UTC/GMT -5 hours)

Sunday, December 2

6:40 p.m.
Arrival in Lima
Their Excellencies will be greeted by Mr. Jorge Eduardo Roman Morey, Chief of Protocol of the Republic of Peru.
Peru Air Force Military Air Base, Aeropuerto – Grupo Aéro #8

Monday, December 3

10:40 a.m.
Meeting with the President of the Congress of the Republic of Peru
The Governor General will meet with Mr. Víctor Isla Rojas, President of the Congress of the Republic of Peru.
Congress of the Republic of Peru, President’s Office
PHOTO OP – Upon the arrival of His Excellency, in front of the Congress building 

11:40 a.m.
Official Welcoming Ceremony
Their Excellencies will be officially welcomed by His Excellency Ollanta Humala, President of the Republic of Peru, and Her Excellency Nadine Heredia, First Lady of Peru. The Governor General will inspect the guard of honour.
Government Palace, Main Courtyard

11:50 a.m.
Meeting with the President of the Republic of Peru
Their Excellencies will meet with the President and First Lady of Peru to discuss topics of interest to our two countries, including business, innovation and education.
Government Palace, Golden Room
MEDIA AVAILABILITY—The Governor General and the President will deliver a joint statement and answer questions from members of the media following their meeting, from 12:45 to 1 p.m., at the Balustrade.

1 p.m.
Official Luncheon Hosted by the President of the Republic of Peru
Their Excellencies will attend a luncheon hosted by the President of the Republic of Peru in honour of their visit.
Government Palace

4 p.m.
Panel Discussion on Education, Innovation and Trade
The Governor General will deliver an address on education opportunities, innovation and commercial relations to academics and students. The discussion will be followed by a question-and-answer session with the panellists.
The event will be webcast at
Universidad del Pacifico, Salaverry 2020  Jesus Maria

3:30 p.m.
Visit to Puericultorio Perez Aranibar
Her Excellency Mrs. Sharon Johnston will visit the orphanage Puericultorio Perez Aranibar, the biggest one in Peru. The centre provides housing, food, health education, recreation and comprehensive care to 300 children and adolescents. Her Excellency will meet with children and will discuss with teenagers about their reality and the education they receive. The orphanage was able to renovate its infirmary a few years ago with the help of the Canadian Fund for Local Initiative.
Puericultorio Perez Aranibar
PHOTO OP – At approximately 4 p.m., when Her Excellency will meet with teenagers 

Tuesday, December 4

10 a.m.
Visit to the Centro de Jóvenes y Empleo (Youth and Employment Centre) and Meeting with its Cuso Canadian volunteers, staff and beneficiaries
Their Excellencies will be greeted by His Worship Adolfo Ocampo Varga, Mayor of San Juan Miraflores. They will then meet with Cuso Canadian volunteers, staff and beneficiaries of a youth and employment centre to discuss the successes and challenges of a Canada-funded project at the centre and to learn about the context and economic realities of many Peruvian youth.

The Centro de Jóvenes y Empleo is supported by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) through a Cuso project that aims to help disadvantaged youth between the ages of 15-29 develop vocational and entrepreneurial abilities and leadership skills.
Centro de Jovenes y de Empleo, Sala de Capacitacion

11:40 a.m.
Visit to SENCICO
His Excellency will visit SENCICO, a national training service for the construction industry that offers programs in geomatics. During the visit, Their Excellencies will learn how Canadian geomatics technology and knowledge was transferred to the Peruvian technical school through an alliance with the Cégep de Limoilou, in Québec, and with the support of CIDA via the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC). A student who took part in an exchange program in Québec will conduct a demonstration of a computer program developed through a partnership with a private sector company. For more information, visit (site only available in Spanish.)
SENCICO, Av. De la Poesía 351, San Borja

1 p.m.
Innovation in Business Luncheon
The Governor General will discuss the importance of innovation with Peruvian government and business leaders, as well as academics.

2:05 p.m.
Visit to Centro Ann Sullivan del Perú
Her Excellency Sharon Johnston will visit the Centro Ann Sullivan del Perú, an educational non-for-profit centre that serves individuals with autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy or developmental delays, as well as their families. It provides a comprehensive education system that includes programs designed to assist students throughout their lives. The centre shares a special bond with Canada, having received funding from the Rotary Club of Sudbury. For more information, visit (site available in Spanish only).
Centro Ann Sullivan del Perú, Street Petronila Alvarez 180, Urb 5th stage Pando