The Viceregal Lion
  1. The Governor General of Canada
  2. His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston
It's an Honour
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Special Service Medals

Special Service Medal (SSM)

Special Service MedalThe Special Service Medal (SSM) was created in 1984 to recognize members of the Canadian Armed Forces who are taking part in activities and operations under exceptional circumstances.

The SSM is always issued with a bar that specifies the service being recognized. Each of the seven bars has its own eligibility criteria. The bars awarded are:

  • PAKISTAN 1989-90
  • NATO

For more information, please visit the Directorate of Honours and Recognition section of the Department of National Defence website.

Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal (CPSM)

Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal The prestigious Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to all United Nations Peacekeepers in 1988 in recognition of their collective efforts in the cause of peace. This inspired the creation of the Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal (CPSM) to acknowledge the unique contribution to peace that Canadian peacekeepers have made since 1947.

Date modified: May 26, 2014