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  1. The Governor General of Canada
  2. His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston
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Governor General to Celebrate National Aboriginal Day

June 17, 2016

Governor General to Celebrate
National Aboriginal Day at Woodland Cultural Centre

OTTAWA—Their Excellencies the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, and Mrs. Sharon Johnston will celebrate the 20th anniversary of National Aboriginal Day at the Woodland Cultural Centre, a former residential school in Brantford, Ontario, on Tuesday, June 21, 2016

“As honorary witnesses of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Sharon and I understand the importance of learning about residential schools and the impact they had on First Nations people in order to work towards healing the wounds of the past and creating a better future for all,” said the Governor General. “National Aboriginal Day is an opportunity to continue to tell the complete story of Canada and to celebrate the great contributions Aboriginal peoples have made to this country.”

Upon arrival at the Woodland Cultural Centre, Their Excellencies will meet with Her Honour the Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, and Chief Ava Hill of the Six Nations of the Grand River to discuss the importance of preserving the Centre and the Save the Evidence campaign.

Following this, Their Excellencies will attend a National Aboriginal Day ceremony, where His Excellency will deliver remarks. The ceremony will conclude with the presentation of the latest instalment of Historica Canada’s Heritage Minute series, written by Joseph Boyden, which explores the legacy of the residential school system in Canada.

Here is the schedule: 

11:15 a.m.
Meeting with the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario and Chief Ava Hill
In front of the former residential school building at Woodland Cultural Centre, 184 Mohawk Street, Brantford
PHOTO OP—At the beginning of the meeting

11:45 a.m.
National Aboriginal Day Ceremony
Auditorium, Woodland Cultural Centre, 184 Mohawk Street, Brantford

About Woodland Cultural Centre
A First Nations museum and art gallery, the Woodland Cultural Centre is home to the site of the Mohawk Institute Indian Residential School, the longest-running residential school in Canada (1828-1970). In 2013, the institute’s building—one of only two still standing in Ontario—suffered severe and costly roof damage, prompting Woodland to launch the Save the Evidence campaign. The campaign aims to preserve and restore the building, so as to allow current and future generations to better understand the history of the residential school system.



Media information:
Josephine Laframboise
Rideau Hall Press Office
613-668-1929 (cell)


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