The Viceregal Lion
  1. The Governor General of Canada
  2. His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston
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National Volunteer Week

Message from the Governor General of Canada on the Occasion of National Volunteer Week

April 13, 2015

OTTAWA — Happy National Volunteer Week, Canada! I’m so proud to live in a nation of volunteers, of people who give generously for the greater good. One act at a time, Canada’s
12.7 million volunteers are giving their time, their talent and their resources to those in need. That’s one in every three Canadians! They do so freely, because it’s the right thing to do. Together, the effect volunteers are having on this country is truly transformative.

When I imagine millions of volunteers, I imagine a wave of generosity spreading from coast to coast to coast. Just think about all they achieve!About all we can achieve together.  Each volunteer creates a ripple effect, inspiring others to follow suit. One act of giving at a time: this is how a smart and caring nation is built.

I want to take this opportunity to thank the millions of volunteers who have given so much to so many. I would like to thank them for all they have done for others, and for all they continue to do. I am truly grateful.

I also want to call on all of Canada’s volunteers to share their stories widely, to inspire others to give. Anyone who has spent time volunteering has a story to tell. A story of compassion, of accomplishment, of personal growth and discovery. When we give, we of course help others and strengthen our communities, but we also grow as people. We learn who we are. As the saying goes, the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

The remarkable power of storytelling is one reason why I was so pleased to help inspire the My Giving Moment campaign. Since its launch two years ago, tens of thousands of Canadians have shared their stories at And it’s about so much more than sharing stories: it’s about inspiring people and challenging them to give. There are so many ways to volunteer and give back, and so many wonderful tales to be told.

During this National Volunteer Week, I ask you to thank a volunteer, and if you are one, to tell your story and to dare someone to find their giving moment. Even the biggest wave starts out as a ripple. So let’s start now! Thank you for giving rise to a new wave of caring and giving in Canada.

David Johnston

To view the Governor General’s video message, please click on the following link:

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