OPC Strategic Privacy Priorities

In the fall of 2014, Privacy Commissioner Daniel Therrien announced plans to engage with stakeholders across the country to inform the identification of strategic privacy priorities that would guide the Office’s work through to 2020. The aim was to establish priorities that would help focus the OPC’s efforts and direct discretionary resource allocation decisions in order to increase our chances of making a real difference for Canadians.

The OPC held stakeholder meetings with civil society and consumer advocacy groups, industry and legal service providers, academia, and government to hear their views on what would be the defining privacy issues of greatest strategic importance and relevance to Canadians over the next five years. The Office also undertook public opinion and focus group research with Canadians to better understand their concerns and priorities.

A report summarizing what we heard from individuals and stakeholders, as well as the priorities that we will pursue and how we intend to address them was published on June 12.

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Past OPC Privacy Priorities

In 2007, the Office identified four key strategic priorities that would serve as focal points for its work through to 2013. At the end of that time period, the Office reported on its achievements in relation to these four priorities.

  • Privacy Priorities (2007-2013)
    Reflections on the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s Strategic Priority Issues
    October 11, 2013