Presentation Packages for Parents and Teachers

Canadian youth are communicating online more than ever before. It’s a great way for them to stay connected with friends. But, for all the benefits, communicating online can also pose risks to their privacy.

During the last few years, our Office has been conducting research and discussions with high school students on the subject of privacy and the Internet. We wanted to know how we could help them use online tools in a fun way that they won’t regret later on in life. The feedback we received from both students and teachers was valuable. Many of them indicated that they would find a presentation about these topics useful. After we released our presentations for older groups, many educators and parents reached out to our Office, looking for a presentation for kids in grades 4 to 6.

Our youth presentation packages offer all the tools necessary to provide an engaging and effective presentation right in your own school or community. The goal of the grades 7 and 8 (Secondary I and II in Quebec) and grades 9 to 12 (Secondary III to V in Quebec) presentations is to help demonstrate to young people how technology can affect their privacy, and what they can do to build a secure online identity while keeping their personal information safe. The goal of the grades 4 to 6 presentation is to help demonstrate to young people how they can use the Internet and have fun, without giving away too much of their personal information.